No Game No Life’s missing piece

No Game No Life is the king of escapist isekai anime. It is unabashed in its perversion, ridiculous nature, and most of all-

It’s cool.

But what makes No Game No Life cool? Well, what’s the appeal of No Game No Life? (Don’t you dare say incest!)

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It’s watching a duo of geniuses overcome the odds to defeat various fantasy races- watching them use their impeccable wit to play and win simple games. In these games, the protagonists always bet everything, but it never matters because they always win.

If you are looking for a show where you feel panicked for your protagonists, No Game No Life will surely disappoint. It’s basically the opposite of a Shounen like My Hero Academia, and prefers to place the viewer as an onlooker. There is little danger, because the main characters must always win for the story to continue. But that is not a minus for this show, but a distinguishing feature.

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By removing doubt from the equation, the viewer is able to appreciate the game more- which allows them to relate to Shiro and Sora’s passion for the game itself. It’s indulgent- in the best way! Completely unashamed and in your face!

But that’s why I can really appreciate what No Game No Life Zero did for the series.

The world of No Game No Life Zero – 

Haven’t you always wondered how a damegami like Tet ended up as the unquestioned true God of the world? Especially when it was mentioned that there are a bunch of ‘Old Deus’ who are basically minor gods of way more serious things?

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Well, No Game No Life Zero is that story! It provides a look at what Disboard’s world was like before the Ten Pledges that govern it in modern No Game No Life.

And with that, it answers the question that always bugged me-

“How the hell did the Imanity survive in a world with cosmic horrors and hostile magic kingdoms- when they have nothing good going for them?”

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The first moment of NGNL Zero hammers the humans’ powerlessness home in a way that NGNL never could- when an accidental blast of energy destroys the main character’s home.

Without any care to the humans, they were effortlessly crushed- Their lives taken from them without any chance or warning. And it’s not just the super races like the robot fairy things, the old gods, or the elves-

But the very world they live in that rejects the existence of humanity. There’s this toxic ash thing that kills humans, so they have to always wear these masks, and I’m like-

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“Wow… I knew I was asking for consequences- But isn’t this TOO MUCH!?”

NGNL Zero shows a world where humanity is powerless before over a dozen super powered races, each one stronger, smarter, and overall better than the humans. It shows a world without rules. A world without empathy. A war-torn world where each day is a battle to survive.

The journey

The first 20 or so minutes sold me well enough on the desperation of the situation, that when the Riku, the MC, breaks down- crying the names of his fallen comrades- I didn’t let out a single chuckle. It really sells you on the MC’s empty eyes- and his despair.

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(BTW I’m not recapping the entire plot of the movie to you. I’m assuming you have at least remember some of the movie’s plot here)

And how does the movie respond to Riku’s despair? By throwing women at him, of course.

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Okay, I didn’t say it was perfect!

But basically, the entire movie is based around Schwi/Shuvi and Riku’s relationship. I would normally dock it for such a development- but hey, it fits the theme.

Together, Shuvi and Riku piece together the different races plans to go all Cold War on the other species’ asses-

So they decide to play them against one another to encourage a conflict, so that they can redirect all that hostility and power to become God. Yeah… That’s not the first thing I would’ve thought about!

To get a little more serious-

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I guess I should mention that Riku makes rules like “Don’t die” and likens the mission plan to a game. His rules for his ‘ghosts’ are of course a precedent for Tet’s Ten Pledges.

But, didn’t you know? This movie is a tragedy!

The betrayal – 

Ask yourself why Riku and Shuvi had to die.

Seriously, why? Just to provoke feels?

Let me explain-

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Riku went to the elves, and was exposed to the poison ash stuff for too long. Shuvi said that it was over double the time he was supposed to be around it for… and it seriously messed up his body! He risked his life to further the plan- and I just have to ask what’s the rush?

He took too much responsibility. Plain and simple. That’s irresponsible.

That’s why I can’t totally hate Shuvi for running off without telling Riku. She’s doing the same idiotic thing that he did. Of course, it’s only freak coincidence that she meets Jibril, the sadistic angel thing. (That’s that cruel world they live in- where freak coincidence can be fatal, just like it was from the first scene with Riku)

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By splitting up, they are weak.

By thinking about Riku, Shuvi’s able to stall just long enough to upload her memory’s to the Ex Machina system. (The battle was pretty nice, even if the CGI is really noticeable)

Then he goes on to continue their plan- and it works.

GG! Game over, we won right? Against all odds, the humans won, didn’t they?

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“Schwi”… feelsbadman. This multiple translation stuff makes anime even harder to talk about than it already is!

Ha! Yeah right. Remember those rules Riku laid down? Well, they all lost- Shuvi died. Therefore, he doesn’t feel worthy to be God, and instead creates a new Deus to take the role of God for him. Freaking Tet!

The message – 

Why did all those races lose? It was just Riku, Shuvi, and a handful of humans + Ex Machina! There is no way that they should be able to compete!

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Well, what’s the difference?

The humans and Ex Machina worked together.

Also, maybe even more important to the story, they did not see the other races as their enemies. They did not seek to defeat them, and instead fought to protect themselves.

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That’s a feel good message, ain’t it?

Riku + Shuvi only lost when they tried to play it like the other races- taking the entire burden on themselves. That’s one sure way to lose the game!

And now it’s come full circle into the No Game No Life anime.

Do you remember how attached the siblings of NGNL are?

NGNL Zero shows how Shiro and Sora’s codependency is actually a strength in the world of Disboard. (It also explains the final pledge of ‘Let’s all play together’)

If NGNL is a story about victory and indulgence- then NGNL Zero is the flip side of that. NGNL Zero is all about loss and regret. It provides a such a nice contrast with the first season…

It has consequences, a cast that you really feel empathy for, and utilizes its setting in a decent enough way.

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Sweet picture! (look at Jibril! lmfao!) 

I’m very happy with the way the movie turned out, even if it was sprinkled with several flaws. (Like I understand that the main characters look and sound alike because Tet was lying- and that’s probably why Riku randomly went all horny. Although that explanation works, it’s kind of an ambiguous cop-out that rubs me the wrong way!)

It made me feel a little sad, and it impressed me with the way it conveyed the horror of being powerless before titanic forces. It answered all of my biggest questions about the series, and I think it was worth the watch.

Maybe a rewatch too. (After season 2 gets confirmed!)

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(Gimme season 2!)

The good, the bad, the meh – Week Five

This was a pretty great week for me.

As the last major break before finals, I’m beginning to feel the pressure to study slowly building…

And I know I’ll have less time to goof off later.

So before that happens, let’s talk about-

The good – 

So, last week, I asked for anime that I would watch in the coming days, as a sort of apology for not having any anime related stuff to talk about. And while I haven’t gotten to the second series yet, (sorry Moyatori! I’ll watch the show eventually), I finished 26 episodes of Samurai Champloo and started a new project on the blog.

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I called it Random Anime Review, and so that’s two things that I have to thank ‘KingDylbag13’ for! The series was a fun ride too!

Since I’m talking about my blog a bit, I guess I’ll restate that I reorganized my blog. I made two folders for my projects, and I’m pretty pleased with the result.

I also made two posts that I’m pretty happy about. I added two chapters to that story I’ve been writing, and I also wrote some more about Monogatari. (Yes, for now I will be limiting myself to a max of 1 Monogatari post a week! I promise!)

Speaking of Monogatari, I rewatched some more of that…

And daaaaang! Nisio works get some great soundtracks!

I also finally managed to track down a version of the Zaregoto anime ed on youtube! (Some of Kalafina’s less popular songs can be super hard to find!)

Speaking of Nisio’s Zaregoto, I read up and found out that the anime sold pretty well? If that’s true, then maybe a second season might be possible… BRING ON THE ZEROZAKI! I would die happy if my favorite detective story was animated by Shaft… (Pls!)

Also related to Monogatari

I spent like 2 hours looking through Monogatari analysis videos! Like man, I never really put into words about how the ideas of Monogatari are linearly developed, while the plot is nonlinear…

This crap is why I can’t stop loving Monogatari! You get this stuff intuitively, but it can be really hard to put into words… but props to this youtuber.

So uh…

I think that’s about it for the good?

The bad – 

Nothing really got on my nerves this week…

As a week long break, I’m feelin’ pretty happy!

If I had to nitpick, the changing seasons have made it impossible for me to fall asleep before 1 o’clock in the morning. 5-6 hours of sleep! (Only a little woozy after 3 weeks of this)

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*Me trying to sleep early at 10 o’clock*

And uh…

The meh –

I watched two movies this weekend.

One was Ready Player One, and the second was the live action Assassination Classroom: Graduation movie.

Ready Player One was thoroughly enjoyable… for the visuals. The plot itched me the wrong way, to be quite honest. The characters were all pretty forgettable, and that was exacerbated by the sheer awesomeness of the mech fights. The romance in the movie was kind of creepy feeling too…

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“That was when I realized, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it’s also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real”

Also its message about reality was terribly boring and timely. I feel that Sword Art Online had a better message about making the most of a virtual world… and I don’t even mean that sarcastically! The entire message of Ready Player One is reactionary, and labels all video games as escapes and basically wastes of time…–gaming-fills-a-basic-need.html

F*** helping those less abled than you, right? F*** those who want to reach out to people beyond their little slice of reality, right?

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As much as I dislike most of SAO‘s story elements, I don’t disagree with its ideas about the possible value of virtual worlds. Props to Reki Kawahara for being forward thinking!

So, onto the second movie…

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Cringy looking, right? Well it is.

I actually enjoyed Ass-Class Graduation as much as Ready Player One! While most of the movie was just campy fun, there was like 20 minutes where there was almost no CGI, and it was just focused on the dynamics of two characters…

It was surprisingly emotional! Good stuff! I love some character drama!

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I had a nice week. I hope you did as well…

Hopefully if you see Ready Player One, you’ll care more about the characters than I did. Or do people even go to movies to care about characters anymore?

Actually, serious question, to be honest.

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Maybe Your Name shows otherwise…

But then I think about any DC movie, and I ask whether these characters were meant to be cared about or simply idolized as hollow archetypes-

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It just confuses me sometimes…

What do you think? Do movies generally try to provoke emotion, or are they just trying to impress with CGI and impressive camera angles?

I just haven’t seen enough movies to make broad generalizations like that…

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On the other hand, I know that anime tends to lean on emotional connection… or if it fails there- ecchi or moe seems to show an effort to manufacture that bond that good writing naturally creates.


Both mediums can be pretty crappy, can’t they?

And pretty great.